Dear Friend:I would like to Welcome you to the online home of Rehoboth World Outreach Center. Rehoboth is a Spirit-Filled, Christ-Centered, Loving, and Compassionate church. Our focus is winning the lost for Jesus Christ and teaching keys to effective living. You will find that we are a church that is tearing down the walls of racial divisions, denominationalism, and tradition. Our goal as a congregation is to provide a place of comfort, where people from all ethnicities and backgrounds can come and freely worship God TOGETHER.
Thank you for visiting our website. It is only a glimpse of our awesome and loving Body of Believers. I, along with my family, extend a special invitation to you and your family to come and visit us at Rehoboth. THERE IS ROOM FOR YOU! No matter your past or present, God has a BRIGHT FUTURE for you here!
May God Bless You and Welcome!
Pastor Danny Jefferson
Senior Pastor